Tag Archives: Commitment

Becoming the Very Best Version of Yourself – Critical Thinking

I am continuing with the series about how to become a better YOU. This time, I am touching upon critical thinking.

Thinking critically is a matter of attention. It is a way to be able to utilize your mental awareness and realize that a thinking process is in progress.

Begin by practicing awareness every time you choose to think about a particular topic.

Realizing that your mind is thinking is the first step.

Basic critical thinking is composed of these six basic skills:

  1. Interpretation: “Do you know what I mean?” asked Ruben, one of the participants who attended the Leadership through Safety Awareness Workshop I presented at my company last week. As I was looking into his eyes, I could see he was still confused about his new role.After talking for a few minutes, we were able to dissipate his concerns and doubts. I realized that the information I presented triggered some self-doubts in him that distracted him and made him too uncomfortable to communicate the true meaning of the information he had learned to others.We worked together for about five minutes and at the end, he was able to tune into his interpretation skills beyond self-judgment and focus only on mental awareness.To think critically means to directly analyze and or evaluate information beyond any sense of self-judgment. It enables you to have the ability to think outside the box and to drop any sense of judgment towards oneself. Always try to be present when you are thinking.
  2. Analysis: This refers to the ability to “read between the lines.” It is to possess the capacity to connect the pieces of information given and determine their true meaning.
  3. Inference: The ability to understand and recognize the elements needed to determine an accurate conclusion. Interpretation and inference work hand in hand, and you can use this simple skill to become more precise in your interaction with others.
  4. Evaluation: Ask yourself this question: How credible are my expressions of my experience? How factual are my opinions? Do I exaggerate to make my inputs more impressive?Evaluate your interactions with others with impartiality. You are not looking for deficiencies to bring yourself down; it is quite the opposite, you are looking for clues for where to make corrections that will help you become a more interesting person, the type of person whose sense of self-evaluation is based on growth and well-being.
  5. Explanation: It is important to know that not everyone has or needs the level of information you have. To become a better communicator requires attention. It requires patience and self-awareness.On our journey to become the very best version of ourselves, we want to have the courage to face ourselves and ask: Do I communicate well? Am I correctly and frequently saying what I mean?Learn through practice to identify your level of communication with others. Ultimately, remember that one of the best tools to communicate is to become a better listener.
  6. Self-Regulation: Thinking critically is a matter of attention and self-regulation is an ally. Self-regulation is the skill that allows you to have an awareness of your thinking process.It is the skill that helps you develop greater abilities to connect the proper elements of information to obtain the desired results. Sometimes we allow our self-interest to play a factor in what we decide to understand.It is very dangerous because it can make our progress more difficult. Critical thinking is an extension of communication and to self-regulate our personal biases is crucial for a successful interaction with others.

Getting unstuck is a life process, therefore make life simple again. Allow for the opportunity to free yourself from self-limiting beliefs through the practice of critical thinking when it comes to interaction with yourself and others.

What can we do to make life simple again? Think about it.

Becoming the Very Best Version of Yourself

Seven Easy Keys

Leaders must understand their goals and resolve to enter a state of discipline based on their desire to lead consciously.

Years ago, as I entered the world of self-improvement, I never knew how to handle the amount of new information. It was a huge source of incoming energy in the form of eye-opening discovery. It was as if all of a sudden I was given a huge bundle of information that I needed to absorb and digest in just a few weeks. I used to drive my car while listening to the wisdom of people such as Seneca the Stoic, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Tony Robbins and even lectures by Paramahansa Yogananda.

My radio stations became centers of lectures and interviews. I had CDs with absolutely no music other than the music at the beginning of their material presentation. I used to read many books, all kinds, (I still do) and I dedicated my time to assimilating all this new information. Those were indeed pretty exciting times for me.

Technology has changed and the way we receive information is tremendously different these days. More than ever we possess the freedom to do the most exhaustive research on our smartphones. It is a whole new world, a new world of infinite possibilities and opportunities to do, say and act in any way possible.

Humanity is evolving and changing very fast, and it is time to commit to work on ourselves, to understand that we must be greater than our fears, limiting beliefs, false ideas, and self-imposed barriers. It is time to become the very best version of ourselves.

I will divide this into seven different posts so we can make it more digestible while respecting everyone’s time. I will be posting on a weekly basis and providing other interesting material for your reading pleasure.

  1. Become a Better Listener
  2. Improve Your Critical Thinking Techniques
  3. Sharpen Your Communication Skills
  4. Practice Patience
  5. Control of Mind and Emotions
  6. Develop Healthier Sleeping Patterns
  7. (SPA )Study, Plan, and Act Everyday

Key Number One: Better Listener

Next time you spend time with a friend or with someone you love or even with the stranger on the train who tries to start up a conversation with you by mentioning the weather. Pay attention! Be present by creating a direct contact. Develop sensitivity and understand that every person needs attention when it comes to communicating.

Better listeners are considered to have a gift, the gift of patience (the fourth step). If you are an individual who thinks you don’t have a lot of patience or much time to waste, you can still practice good listening. Set aside time and communicate to the other person that you will be paying undivided attention to them for five minutes or so and that you are willing to discuss their issue within the allotted time.

The idea is to be completely present and to listen carefully Many people are just looking to be heard. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is your undivided attention through a period of uninterrupted time. Abstain from giving advice right away and instead, discuss the issue in a collaborative way where the person wanting to communicate can listen to himself or herself and perhaps obtain their own answer.

Listening consciously is challenging but not impossible if you start practicing one minute at a time. Ultimately, it is better, to be honest, and tell the other person you can’t listen to them right now than to listen half- heartedly. This way you will show them more consideration and respect.

In an article published in the LA Times, author Robert Lee Hotz reported – “Understanding whether differences in mental capacity or intellectual ability can be attributed to gender has long confounded scientists, parents, equal rights activists and educators.”

To be sure, men’s and women’s brains are more alike than not, but they are not the same–in size, sense or sensibilities – disregard gender, don’t justify your sense of attention because of that. Be human, that is it.

Ultimately, leaders must listen actively; listening goes well beyond being quiet and giving someone your full attention. Listening requires you to be aware of body language, facial expressions, mood, and natural behavioral tendencies.

In the science of yoga, care is critical for the development of meditation, also known as Dharana. According to Eastern psychology, it is possible to attain a further state of attention wherein all other mental movement stops. At this point, the mind ‘becomes one’ with the essential nature of the object of concentration, (listening).

When Doubts Pretend To Keep You Safe

“What do you want? What do you want?” he repeated to himself. “What do I want? To live and not to suffer,” he answered. And again he listened with such concentrated attention that even his pain did not distract him. “To live? How?” asked his inner voice. “Why, to live as I used to—well and pleasantly.” “As you lived before, well and pleasantly?” the voice repeated. And in imagination, he began to recall the best moments of his pleasant life.”
― Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich

What do you want? It is an original question. It carries a significant level of responsibility and requires an intrinsical state of clarity when it comes to responding to its daring power.

We all have our dreams and goals, some of us dream of writing a book, of moving to Hawaii, some of us dream of hiking the Himalayas, or even living by the ocean while enjoying the success of our foreign profitable business.

These are all very motivating dreams, and in fact, they can all be attainable.

What is that powerful force that stops you from accomplishing them? DOUBT.

When Leonardo DaVinci past away, his last words were: “I have offended mankind because my work did not reach the quality that it should have” – Unbelievable! Don’t you think?

Mr. DaVinci himself had doubts as well. The difference between DaVinci’s mind and the minds of the ones who doubt is that he never stopped creating. He probably enjoyed his work immensely and cultivated passion in it.

There is a difference between finding your passion and cultivating one. A lot of people have difficulties finding their “true” calling, and sadly most of them never find it and continue living a life of frustrated dreams.

The main reason for this is because passion can never be found, it can only be created and cultivated based on individual qualities. Qualities that every single one of us possesses.

The only distance that separates our passion from our dreams and goals is the distance of doubt. Unfortunately, for most of the people, doubt is easier to be brought up to the surface of their minds than their dreams and goals.

A very disturbing fact of doubt is that it pretends to keep you safe. Although psychologically feeling safe is a good thing, it might not be productive in the creation of a better reality for yourself.

It is a fact that man is the only animal that “knows that he knows” and that is what makes him human and also vulnerable to adverse influence which is typically picked up during childhood.

Doubts don’t keep you safe; instead, they keep you fooled and steal your potential of becoming a much better and successful human being.

Awareness is the perfect weapon to catch your mind when it is telling you lies about what and who you are and to stop the inherent potential to succeed that you already possess in your brain and mind.

Be alert and next time you are listening to the thoughts in your mind and feeling that they are not in cooperation with your desired state, act immediately and do the very best to move towards a better mental space .

A very simple way to counteract the effect of negative thinking is by asking yourself where is this thought coming from? Where did I learn that this is true? Did I experience the memory of this view?

Most likely, all these thoughts and views will be a bunch of self-defeating beliefs that somehow got deep into your subconscious and made you believe that they are valid even if you never experienced them.

What are your goals and dreams? Can you make them happen?

Freedom to know what you want – The Power of Incremental Change

“Those who depart from this world without knowing who they are or what they truly desire have no freedom here or hereafter. But those who leave here knowing who they are and what they truly desire have freedom everywhere, both in this world and in the next.
The Chandogya Upanishad VIII.1.6”

The massive weight of all the circumstances and experiences running wild in our days can make our goals cloudy, cumbersome, confusing and even unattainable. At the same time, the power of liberty that carries our inner desires cannot only be forgotten but also destroyed in the mix.

Our goals and ambitions suffer because they are so entangled in premature failure due to erroneous beliefs. These will not be affected if we are determined to tap into our inner power to receive freedom to choose what we want.

Have you ever stop and wondered what do you want? And if so, have you ever figured out the ways to achieve your goals? If yes, God bless!

If the answer is no, then you need to establish your values and begin to resolve your inner conflicts.

Our inner conflicts are obstacles for fulfillment. One must have the ability to focus on them mindfully and be able to correct them or adjust them, so we can make the path to our goals smoother and ideally free of emotional baggage.

There is a practical way to overcome any obstacle in your path to freedom. It is called Incremental Change.

Freedom to know what you want is the result of personal assessments based on experiences, emotions, and states of mind. It is perhaps the most accurate way to stay focused on your life goals without any distractor.

This freedom can successfully be achieved with well-defined patience and with a systematic process of little bits of progress, including small incremental changes.

Entrepreneur Jim Rohn used to say: “Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”

Increment your changes so slowly that you won’t even notice them.

Whatever the change is that you want to do, remember that this process is not only the exchange of one thing for the another but also the creation of new positive habits in the process.

A Quick Example: Assuming you feel that you want and need to eat better. The first thing to do is to make sure you analyze your current status of your diet. The knowing of your situation will naturally guide you to make the necessary changes to attain your goals.

Small changes in your diet will make you get to your final goal of eating better. Although incremental changes can feel like is way too slow, they are incredibly powerful, and with time they will make you reach your goal in a safe and consistent matter.

As you continue with your incremental changes and as you begin to see those goals getting closer, you will feel as if you can do almost anything.

During these moments of progress, you will be able to clarify your commitments, and at the same time, you will be able to obtain the freedom to know what you want for your life.

What are your most basic inner conflicts and how would you solve them?