Authentic Self

In his book The One Thing, author Gary Keller reveals a question: what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? – Let’s think about that for a minute.

 One can say that authentic self is the simplicity of a human behavior with the sole purpose of feeling almost unaware of that state of being. Being yourself is an inherited state of simplicity involved in a turmoil of constant self-gratification. It is the phenomena of single authentic behavior.

 In a world where individuals are in constant inner arrangements to simply adapt and act as per their daily life situations, being one self; is constantly compromised by external factors and circumstances.

 We tend to repress our authentic self to fit in without even realizing it, hence the lack of satisfaction of the majority of people who are constantly struggling to find a position in this world.

 What do we do?

 Take for instance social media, TV networks, physical practices, even some spiritual practices, all diet trends – what do they do to us? – How do they affect our deeper wants and desires? –  The messages we constantly receive are building solid blocks of beliefs. They manipulate their meaning to construct a world of un-authentic individuals, a world of individuals who are constantly looking for reassurance and acceptance.

 Learning to think critically is a defining factor in finding your authentic self. The secret to true happiness lies in knowing who you really are and in creating progress utilizing genuine action based on the inherent sense of self.

 Freedom and connecting with our authentic self

 Moving, expressing and thinking freely is the ultimate sense of liberation encountered in all living beings. Although the way they “think” is not at the level of the humans; they do posses consciousness and as such, they cannot be anything but the consciousness of what they are. Can you be a tree? Can you be a marine turtle? The fact that consciousness cannot be divided to become someone or something when it already resides in a particular being, it gives us the answer to express freedom. A bird is free and it simply does what is supposed to do, it flies from one place to another, and its only motivation is to survive and keep living. In the human being, the sense of freedom must come with a bigger sense of responsibility and although we strive for survival, ours is somehow conditioned.

 Ways to connect and be your authentic self – 4 Basic Strategies

1.Dare to be You

This is a simple yet challenging way as it entails to go beyond any fears of limiting beliefs. Daring to be yourself is about allowing others to see the real, raw authentic you. No need to be nice and or apologetic to express yourself. Here you need to stand out from others and have your own opinion. Things you can practice are to tell yourself constantly that who you are is good enough, that you are original.

2. Love Yourself

Taking care of yourself can make you feel good and is a sign of self-respect. Some people tend to be individuals who tend to forget  about their own self and focus on others. Although is noble and altruistic to think about the well-being of others, the priority should be focused on your self first so you can be healthy in order to be of help for others. Few simple things you can do: eat well, sleep well, exercise daily, read motivational books, learn how to breathe properly and meditate.

3.Make Choices Based on your own dreams

Everybody has a dream or many dreams. We feel excited when we talk about them, we feel exhilarated when we think about the possibility of making these dreams come true. These sensations and emotions are the natural response of our true callings; it is the affirmative response of our soul. Make them happen, plan accordingly. Understand clearly what you want, have definite of purpose and create a plan of action, a plan that is flexible and ready to adapt to anything as you walk the path towards your authenticity. The choices you make must be based on the fact that you want to connect with yourself. They must be in support of aligning your life with your most intimate sense of authenticity.

 The One Thing

 It is really hard to be able to apply authenticity to more than 7.4 billion in the world and perhaps it is also difficult to come out with an answer to the original question at the beginning of this article; however, there is only one thing that we all know, and it is the fact that we know that we know. There is only one thing we feel, and it is our sense of being and as such, due to free will, we can decide to drop all influences, limiting beliefs and wrong ideas of separation, and unite in order to support each other’s authenticity.

Be your Self, because is yours and it is authentic, unique and amazing.